
7380 Girard Avenue, La Jolla


DOING GOOD TOGETHER is a national organization that provides opportunities for families to volunteer, or “do good” together. Click on the link below and then look for the blue San Diego square. Click here for a list of meaningful family-friendly volunteer opportunities. Better yet, become a member! www.doinggoodtogether.org...

Students in Spanish class have been learning about Hispanic Heritage Month. Students learned about Mexico's Independence Day (September 15) by watching videos and making comparisons with 4th of July celebrations. Students are also being taught about different Hispanic celebrities. First graders are learning about Frida Kahlo and her love for nature, while fifth graders are doing a research project about famous Hispanic people in the United States and their contributions to society. Nieves Ruiz, Spanish Teacher ...

To kick off the school year, students designed projects to warm up their hands and brains while remembering the importance of caring for their classroom communities. First and Second graders built mazes, based on a popular project from last year. In teams, they designed, planned, made, tested, and remade these cardboard-and-tape structures following the Design Thinking model, while brushing up their best communication and collaborative skills. Once done, they carefully followed specific directions, limiting how they were allowed...

In Ms. Leard’s Builders Club, architects each got a tray of Legos and were challenged to use all the Legos to create a structure. These junior builders then presented their designs to other club members. Who knows what next week’s challenge will bring! In Ms. Boisnard’s Stupendous STEM, students read Iggy Peck, Architect, which described a broken bridge and how a little boy, Iggy Peck, repaired it. Children then constructed their own bridges and challenged themselves by...

Did you know that in 1933, a full 20 years before the formation of Gillispie as a school, it was a food pantry? Sam and Ada Gillispie, along with other community volunteers, ran thrift shops in town to raise money to stock the pantry, which was made available to those families who needed it. This is one of the many reasons that we prioritize community service here at School. It is in our DNA! Fun Fact about...

Two of Ms. Cohn's Grade 4 students placed in the top ten in the Sumdog San Diego Regional Math Contest! Sumdog’s online math contests are a fun way to motivate students as they go up against other regional schools in friendly competition. Halifax won 3rd place and Jonah won 4th place out of over 300 students who participated. What an amazing accomplishment!...

Students in many grade levels have been learning about Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, which was celebrated earlier this week. Early Childhood students in Juniper celebrated by eating apples and honey to symbolize a sweet new year. At circle time with Ms. Leib, they discussed the meaning of the Hebrew word "Mitzvah." Ms. Leib explained to the children that a Mitzvah is performing a good deed, doing something charitable, or acting out of the kindness of your heart. With...

This holiday celebrates and honors Native American history and culture. There are 18 federally-recognized Indian reservations in San Diego County, more than in any other county in the United States! Click here for 9 Ways to Observe Indigenous Peoples' Day with Children. Click here for more information on the Indigenous Peoples' Celebration at the San Diego Safari Park....

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