
7380 Girard Avenue, La Jolla

Gillispie School / Experts in Education

It may seem like our Grade 6 students are preparing a simple mid-day snack, but they're actually learning an important lesson on bias in code! By examining the different ways that each person interprets the same directions on how to make a P, B & J sandwich, students were able to connect their understanding of subjective and objective opinions with their discussion of the possible implications of code bias in an increasingly automated world. These lessons help students build...

Dear Families, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself! My name is Sara, and I am serving the 2023-2024 school year as Gillispie’s very first School Counselor! I am already so excited to be part of the Gillispie family. It is so apparent how close-knit and welcoming the Gillispie community is, and I feel very lucky and honored to be part of it! My passion for School Counseling began during my time as a student...

Grade 5 students participated in a simulated workday experience at the McGrath Family Junior Achievement’s BizTown! BizTown is an amazing 10,000-square-foot mini-city comprised of 21 life-sized San Diego businesses, including a bank, a radio station, and a vet clinic. Students are able to help run various businesses for the day, earn paychecks, open bank accounts, pay taxes, vote, and are challenged to earn a profit in their endeavors. Our fifth graders were encouraged to use critical thinking skills to...

Earlier this year the third graders were treated to a Kamishibai presentation by storyteller Walt Ritter from an organization called Write Out Loud.  Kamishibai is a form of Japanese storytelling that literally translates to "paper theater". The Stories are performed by Kamishibaiya (Kamishibai Narrator) using sets of illustrated boards that are placed in stage-like boxes and narrated as each image is changed. After the presentation, the third graders were inspired to design and build Kamishibai boxes and write and illustrate...

Recently, I met with Gillispie parents to discuss keeping our children safe when they use technology and go online. I shared information from a recent Gillispie student tech survey that was conducted with our 3rd-5th grade students, as well as recommendations for helping children to navigate technology safely. Parents engaged in a rich discussion on the challenges of parenting in the digital age, and they also provided recommendations for how they help their own children use technology...

In Art class we love printmaking! Students get to use interesting tools and materials such as brayers, inks, linoleum, styrofoam, gouges, barens, wooden spoons, clay, leaves, rolling pins, cloth, and more. The best aspect of printmaking is that we can make multiple artworks from a single piece of art! Kindergarten used inked leaves pressed over an abstract watercolor. First-grade students, inspired by our resident tortoise, Minnie, have created collographs made with cut-out paper glued onto cardboard. Second graders used rolling...

The 4th-grade students did an incredible job producing their first News Team using all of the incredible multimedia equipment we were able to acquire as a result of the generous grant from Ellen Browning Scripps Foundation. While the 4th grade has been doing News Team for more than 10 years, the multimedia equipment allowed them to take it to the next level, engaging their creative and critical thinking abilities and making their learning experience truly authentic. To begin...

Grade 4 students had a special visitor this month in the MPR—Karlene Chavis from CBS8 News Station! Ms. Chavis came to campus to speak to the grade 4 students about what it's like to be a meteorologist. This topic is especially interesting to them, as the Grade 4 students participate in their News Team project, presenting news stories to classmates in the MPR in their mock new station, complete with green screen, cameras, and a teleprompter! They had so many...

It's tulip time in the art garden! The tulip bulbs the Kindergarteners planted in January are now in full bloom in the art garden classroom. They loved the rain and cooler temperatures. We have all enjoyed the experience of watching them grow over the past two months. These tulips have been the source of our artistic inspiration throughout all grade levels recently. - Kindergarten: clay slab tulip gardens - 1st grade: Eric Carle painted paper collages - 2nd grade: oil pastel...

To celebrate World Read Aloud Day, two classes had virtual author visits in the Gillspie Library! First, Ms. Leard's and Ms. Young's Kindergarteners met Rebecca Gardyn Levington, author of BRAINSTORM!, a new picture book. Students heard the book read aloud by the author and asked some questions. They wondered how she came up with the idea for the book and how the book was made. The final student comment came from Charlie K., who simply said, “I...

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