
7380 Girard Avenue, La Jolla

Gillispie School / Tech tips

In the first Sun article generated by students, two of our Grade 6 student leaders, Joie and Ian, share insights on the importance of following the Gillispie Digital ICARE Values. Joie begins by walking us through a couple of examples of how we can apply the values of Integrity and Compassion when using technology:  The first two ICARE values are Integrity and Compassion. They aren’t just important in and out of school, but in technology, too. When you...

It may seem like our Grade 6 students are preparing a simple mid-day snack, but they're actually learning an important lesson on bias in code! By examining the different ways that each person interprets the same directions on how to make a P, B & J sandwich, students were able to connect their understanding of subjective and objective opinions with their discussion of the possible implications of code bias in an increasingly automated world. These lessons help students build...

Recently, I met with Gillispie parents to discuss keeping our children safe when they use technology and go online. I shared information from a recent Gillispie student tech survey that was conducted with our 3rd-5th grade students, as well as recommendations for helping children to navigate technology safely. Parents engaged in a rich discussion on the challenges of parenting in the digital age, and they also provided recommendations for how they help their own children use technology...

It was great to see a number of Gillispie parents at this month's Cyber Safety seminar held at the Bishop's School. The presenter shared some concerning issues surrounding the increase in online predators lurking in some of the more popular gaming, social media, and online forums as well as research describing the dangers of social media on children’s well-being. Reaffirming many of our own Gillispie digital citizenship practices, she described a number of ways to keep children...

Learning about sequencing in Kindergarten and early childhood is an important readiness skill that helps young children understand how to recognize patterns and makes their world more understandable and predictable. It is foundational for reading, writing, math, and scientific inquiry. Sequencing is also an important concept for computational thinking. In this unplugged activity, our kindergarten students had fun as they “programmed” each other to go through sequences they created. Taking turns, one child created the program (code)...

A recent EC Parent meet-up, where we discussed Technology and Our Young Children, served as an important reminder that it takes a village to raise and educate healthy, happy, and tech-balanced children. With this in mind, we thought we would share some relevant tips that came from that meet-up, which we believe could come in handy over the winter break. While the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends screen time and other media limitations, especially for younger...

Each year students from around the world engage in fun computer science challenges to spark their curiosity and enhance their hands-on coding experiences during the annual Hour of Code. Hundreds of free coding and unplugged challenges are available for anyone. Gillispie elementary students will participate in the Hour of Code through a variety of activities, which will begin with an inspirational video from astronauts at the International Space Station! Students in K through Grade 1 will rotate through...

Applying ICARE to our Digital Citizenship Practices Gillispie students in Grades 1-5 have spent the past two weeks of school revisiting the Gillispie ICARE Values as they apply to our digital citizenship practices. During our digital citizenship lessons, students review each of the ICARE letters, and the value they represent: I = Integrity                                                     ...

Well over two-thirds of parents say “parenting is harder today,” than it was 20 years ago – mainly because of technology (Pew Research, 2020). Screentime, social media, and the very (tumultuous) nature of tweens can combine to create the perfect storm for parenting in the digital age. But knowing what motivates our tweens, and how we can manage the Internet that surrounds all of us, may be part of the antidote.  Young people, including tweens, are often...

Grade 1 students have been working on their coding skills during tech time with our Director of Technology Dr. Lisa Hasler Waters. In these photos, students are getting creative with code using Scratch Jr. to animate silly cartoon characters. These age-appropriate games make coding so much more user-friendly, fun, and approachable for children. We only wish they were around when we were young!...

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