
7380 Girard Avenue, La Jolla



At Gillispie, we think of our alumni often. We think of the bright, engaged students of our past when we watch the wonder on the faces of our current students as they engage in Gillispie traditions, learn about the world, and share their joy for learning with us.

We also think of the families that have built this school. The mothers, fathers, and grandparents who volunteered thousands of hours, who donated to our Annual Giving Drive and Annual Gala to make sure a Gillispie education was possible for everyone, and contributed to the campaigns that built our Elementary building, our Field of Dreams, our Gillispie Endowment for Excellence in Teaching, and our Sandbox building. Your contributions to this community endure. Gillispie is forever.

2024 Gillispie Seniors Reunion

We had so much fun gathering for an alumni reunion of 20 former Gillispie students graduating from high school this year! Having these dynamic and energetic young adults back on campus for a visit was lovely and nostalgic. We are so proud of their accomplishments and excited for their bright futures, and we wish them the best in the next step of their educational journeys!

Please email Dana Irwin at [email protected] with your contact information so we can stay in touch!

Follow our alumni account on Instagram.

2024 Alumni Reunion

We want to hear from you! Please share your current address, report on recent accomplishments, and remark on your favorite memories of Gillispie using the form below. If we may, we’d love to share your updates on our Instagram / Facebook accounts, and community blog as well!

Volunteering at Gillispie

Want to volunteer?

We are only as strong as our alumni volunteers when it comes to keeping in touch! We are always recruiting alumni ambassadors in each class to help keep the Gillispie connection. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us at [email protected].

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