
7380 Girard Avenue, La Jolla

Gillispie School / Articles posted by Brittany Kaszas (Page 19)

Hello EC Families! We hope your second week of being at home has gotten off to a great start! We have a few extra ideas for you to check out:   ACTIVITIES Using Kitchen Scraps to Learn About Plant Science https://www.funathomewithkids.com/2017/08/using-kitchen-scraps-to-learn-about.html   Easy and Colorful Ice Painting Art https://www.powerfulmothering.com/ice-painting/   RECIPES Taste Safe Slime Recipes https://littlebinsforlittlehands.com/edible-slime-recipe/   Berry-Banana Cauliflower Smoothie http://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/265882/berry-banana-cauliflower-smoothie/   HELPING KIDS UNDERSTAND COVID-19 Hello, My Name is Coronavirus https://660919d3-b85b-43c3-a3ad-3de6a9d37099.filesusr.com/ugd/64c685_319c5acf38d34604b537ac9fae37fc80.pdf   LIVE STREAM CLASSES There are two great local small businesses offering free live stream classes (a small donation per class is requested): Movers & Groovers with...

Hello EC Families! As you continue to embark on your stay-at-home journey, I present to you the first volume of Gillispie EC Ideas & Resources (an email that I will send out periodically). The content has been curated by our EC team and our goal is to encourage you during this unpredictable time and offer resources for your family to utilize while you are at home. We hope you find this helpful! ACTIVITIES Go Take a Hike! Kid-Friendly Trails in...

Even with the off and on showers, it's been a fun week in P.E.! Early Childhood and Elementary P.E. classes have been centered around the topic of nutrition and healthy food choices. Following guidelines from the USDA and MyPlate.gov, students have been grouping foods based on the MyPlate chart and deciding between healthy and unhealthy choices. Grades 3-6 are also wrapping up their exciting volleyball unit this week. Passing, serving, setting, and hitting have all been practiced and...

During what may be a challenging and confusing time, I am reaching out to provide a status update on developments related to coronavirus (COVID-19) and to share some additional details about the actions we are planning to protect our school community. I am also providing you with two resources which may be useful as you help your children to understand the situation. The health and safety of our students, staff, and families is our priority. While the total...

In music class this month, our Prekindergarten students have been learning how to read music notation. Pre-K through Grade 1 students have been playing xylophone and learning various songs. This picture captures students reading and playing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!” This month has a continuation of our exploration of new styles of music. Over the past few months, we have learned about “The Carnival of the Animals” by Camille Saint-Saëns. Recently, we have started our journey into blues...

Dear Gillispie Families, I am providing an update after the Center for Disease Control’s February 25 report to the American public on the coronavirus (COVID-19). Though the number of cases in the United States remains low and the virus is not as severe as first expected, CDC officials noted that it is likely that COVID-19 will spread across United States communities. Thus, it is important that we thoughtfully consider ways at school and home to keep ourselves...

The Grade 3 Blood Drive and Bake sale was a huge success! Overall, we raised $4,092.07 for the San Diego Blood Bank on behalf of Gillispie School and collected 44 pints of blood. That makes 423 pints collected and more than $27,000 raised since 2010! We'd like to thank everyone who donated blood and baked goods and bought items from the bake sale. We'd also like to thank the following bakeries for donating treats for the event: Brick & Bell...

Sequoia students are building their very own robot! Over the past week, students have been creating drawings and "blueprints" of what they want their robot to look like and how they plan to build it. After discussing and comparing the plans, they started construction. Using found parts and pieces, they created a "robot workshop" where they used tools and teamwork to begin assembly. Collaboration was key as they discussed every aspect of the project and took turns taking turning...

Pick up a ball and toss it to a friend.  It’s pretty likely they’re going to catch it. Why is that? Currently, the 3rd graders are exploring the predictable way in which things move. Through the time we have spent growing up in and learning about this planet we’re on, we’ve each become an expert on forces like gravity, air resistance, and the push given to a ball by a thrower’s arm. We know that the...

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