
7380 Girard Avenue, La Jolla

Gillispie School / Articles posted by Brittany Kaszas (Page 23)

A warm welcome to our new Preschool Teacher Jennifer Takahashi! Here is a short "get to know you" Q & A we'd like to share: What inspired you to work with kids/become a teacher? I appreciate how kids share their unique perspective of the world around them.  When we get time with them and listen, we can let go of our view and see things with fresh eyes. Their curiosity and excitement about life is infectious and it's an...

Prep week is always a busy time, but when the countdown to the first day of school coincides with the end of a summer-long construction project, it can be a bit more hectic, to say the least! Our wonderful community of teachers, staff, and administration members banded together to make our campus unveil truly amazing, and we could not be more thankful for this hardworking team of individuals. Go Gillispie!...

  Campus is bustling this summer – both with summer campers and with PROGRESS! Here’s a sneak peek of Phase 1 of Constructing Sandboxes: The Campaign for Gillispie. Spurred by the generosity of early supporters of the Constructing Sandboxes campaign, our Kindergarten and Early Childhood classrooms are being completely rebuilt and transformed, expanding teaching space and bringing in elements that reflect the Reggio Emilia philosophy followed by faculty in their teaching. When our families return in the fall, they...

During a heartfelt ceremony, our 2019 sixth grade graduates each gave their own beautiful speeches reflecting on their time at Gillispie. Common themes heard were: Enthusiasm "Hope is the way to gain confidence. Being hopeful will allow you to have a lot of enthusiasm. I believe that being hopeful will allow you to overcome your fears." “I believe enthusiasm is a key to life. Half of enthusiasm is having a positive attitude, and the other half is lifting up anyone...

A jury of Gillispie fourth graders found their classmate guilty in a mock trial at Superior Court. After the judgment, bailiff Lucian escorted fictional defendant Dahlia in handcuffs to serve her sentence in a jail cell. The issue was whether or not the Harry Potter character, Harry, played by Dahlia, intended to assault Draco Malfoy, played by Aurom, when she cast a spell on him. Judge Frank Devaney presided over the case alongside his fourth grade judicial...

We are beaming with pride at Allegra G. and Talia S. wearing their Gillispie "kindness" shirts at the KIWANIS La Jolla 5K!  Grade 5 student Ved G. completed his first USA triathlon on May 5, the 2019 Spring Sprint Triathlon! The event included a bay swim, bike race, and run course. We are so proud of these students' amazing athletic accomplishments! #gogeckos ...

New this year, the Spring Arts & Science Showcase was a day to celebrate the performing arts, visual arts, and science at Gillispie! Parents, grandparents, and special friends were treated to musical performances and guided walks through exhibits and displays around campus. Thank you to Ms. Walters for her beautiful backdrops and for helping coordinate the students' art projects, Mr. Edwards for inspiring some amazing science displays, Mrs. Jacobs for leading the beautiful (and her final) spring musical...

Recently, students in occupational therapy have been learning through playing games. In this game of twister, students are strengthening their core muscles, improving motor planning skills, and learning to differentiate between the left and right side of their body. Letters that are commonly reversed have been added to the game to work on letter recognition and directionality. The kids loved it! - Bethany Jenkins, Occupational Therapist...

Last week, Gillispie's Annual Graduating Seniors Reunion was held in the Sustainable Garden.   Alumni and former students graduating from high school this spring caught up with each other, their elementary head of school, and former teachers over ice cream and sodas!   This get-together was a chance for Gillispie 5th and 6th graders from 2012 and 2013 to see each other before attending college in the fall.   What a wonderful reunion had by all!   Best of luck to our Gillispie alums...

Last Friday, the entire school celebrated "GeckoFest" where all students hit the field for some outdoor fun! The EC classes participated in various games and activities. Bubbles floated and music played while the children rotated through an obstacle course that included an egg and spoon relay, bowling, and "fishing." Students in Grades K-6 were split into ten teams with a designated team color. They rotated through eight different stations that included tug of war, a leaky cup relay,...

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