
7380 Girard Avenue, La Jolla

Gillispie School / Elementary (Page 4)

Each year students from around the world engage in fun computer science challenges to spark their curiosity and enhance their hands-on coding experiences during the annual Hour of Code. Hundreds of free coding and unplugged challenges are available for anyone. Gillispie elementary students will participate in the Hour of Code through a variety of activities, which will begin with an inspirational video from astronauts at the International Space Station! Students in K through Grade 1 will rotate through...

Recently, the third graders worked on a violin still life project in art class. Students are familiar with violins because they are learning to play this beautiful instrument in music class this year. Students rendered the instrument with pencil and pen and then created an abstract watercolor background to convey the sound and feeling of the music made by playing the violin. They turned out beautifully. Susan Walters, Art Teacher...

Thanks to the incredible generosity of Gillispie families, we collected just over 20,000 LEGOS for Father Joe's Villages! Yes - you read that right - 20,000. And dozens of you came out to wash, sort, and pack up these LEGOS. It was a blast! An entire van load was delivered to Father Joe's yesterday, and hundreds of children will have a wonderful surprise waiting for them. Special thanks to Jenny Garza and Ashley Jacobs for leading this effort,...

Exceptional moments occur in any given school year. Sometimes they are big, hairy, scary moments, and other times they are exquisitely meaningful and wonderful. Working through the ever-evolving pandemic conditions in 2020-2021 would be an example of the former. And, conversely, what happened at the recent Talent Show in the Gillispie Sandbox’s MPR would fit into the latter category. We witnessed magical moments as pianists, string musicians, jugglers, singers, gymnasts, and magicians (to name a few) took...

As part of the Grade 1 social studies curriculum, students learned about national symbols and monuments. One big question that came out of their homeroom discussion was, “Why is the Statue of Liberty green?” In science, we set out to answer that question. We talked about the oxidation process that some metals go through when exposed to certain environmental elements. One of those metals is copper, which the students excitedly shared, “That’s what the Statue of Liberty...

Students in Kindergarten and PreKindergarten recently had an author visit from local author Juliana Anthony Hernández, who read from her bilingual picture book Between Friends: Entre Amigos. The book celebrates friendship with beautifully vibrant illustrations and text in both English and Spanish. To purchase a copy of the book, please visit the author's website. You can also purchase paperback copies from Amazon....

The Gillispie Library serves all students on our campus. Early Childhood students enjoy songs, fingerplays, and activities related to the books they hear during library storytimes. Students in Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades have been listening to a series of books by award-winning author/illustrator Christian Robinson and sharing their responses with partner classes as part of the Global Read-Aloud. Upper elementary students recently learned how to search our Library catalog and how to use Google Book Preview...

Every Elementary cycle, I display an image of a work of art in our art class. These are selected from across a broad spectrum of countries, cultures, artists, media, and time periods. We have a short discussion about what we see, the significance of the artwork, and the connections we can make with our own experiences. Images shown this year include The Great Wave by Hokusai, The Listening Room by Rene Magritte, The Forest by Gustav Klimt,...

Students in Kindergarten, First, and Second grade recently had an author visit from veterinarian and author Dr. Ruth MacPete, who read from her picture book Lisette the Vet. Dr. MacPete also spoke to the students about her career as a veterinarian and answered some student questions. If you would like to purchase a copy of her book, please visit her website....

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