
7380 Girard Avenue, La Jolla

Gillispie School / Kindergarten (Page 3)

At Gillispie, we recognize the importance of preparing children for a future that is increasingly lived online. We give students opportunities to research, communicate, and create using online tools across the curriculum and across grade levels. As children develop these important skills, they must also develop the ability to protect themselves and to behave appropriately while online. Digital citizenship is a recurring theme throughout Gillispie's program in Media Literacy classes and in any other class where online...

"When faces called flowers float out of the ground - it’s Spring!" - E.E. Cummings Have you noticed the cheerful “faces” beginning to appear above the steps to our Gillispie Library? Each winter our green-thumbed art room volunteer, Claudia Metcalfe, plant tulip bulbs in pots. These bulbs bloom into a lovely array of color that beckons spring into the Art Room and Gillispie community. Within the Art Room, we observe the structure of this graceful plant. We carefully observe...

Recently, our head of school found a large note on her door that read: Dear Ms. Fleming, Can we wear Valentine's Day clothes or hearts, please? We want to look fancy and cool and festive. The party is special and we want the same colors as Valentine's Day so we match. Can we do this, please, on February 13 even though Valentine's Day is February 14? Room 18 The Kindergarten students had written and left the note with the simple ask...

Kindergarten through Grade 3 students were recently treated to a special assembly featuring author and veterinarian, Dr. Ruth MacPete! Dr. MacPete spoke to the students about her children's book, Lisette the Vet, and answered the many questions they had about what it is like to be a veterinarian. Her adorable adopted dog Oski also came on campus to assist her in a veterinary examination at the end of the presentation. The experience was so informative and fun, and many...

One of the fondest memories of childhood for many of us is being read to. Anna's grandmother was a fantastic reader, and when she came to visit, she always read from a thick leather-bound book of the Grimm’s Fairytales. Not only did the stories become familiar to her grandchildren, but so did their unique language. “Storybook language," the language that writers use, differs from the everyday language that we use when we speak with friends, or the...

This week in Physical Education class, Early Childhood students worked on performing Jumping Jacks. They followed the cues of "Toy Soldier" and Rocket Ship" and repeated! The Prekindergarten through Grade 2 students also continued with their underhand throwing practice at targets which included a Thanksgiving Turkey! Elementary students completed their Football unit and played Gaga (Israeli Dodgeball) in the gym. It's been a great, active week in P.E.! Ed Whelan and Cheyenne Kibblewhite  PE Teachers...

Recently, Kindergarten students walked to Firestation 13 for a tour and to drop off a gratitude wagon full of goodies they collected for the firefighters. They learned about the different tools on the firetruck and even got to climb through the backseat! They toured the station kitchen, living room, and gym. At the very end of our tour, the firefighters were called away by a blaring fire alarm. Students waved goodbye as firefighters hopped on the firetruck. What an exciting...

Grade 3 students have been enjoying time spent with their Kindergarten Book Buddies! Our Book Buddies program pairs upper elementary students with their younger cohorts for weekly meeting spent reading or playing together around campus. Kindergarten students are working on their reading and writing skills, while Grade 3 students are working on their while confidence reading aloud. Both classes enjoy the camaraderie and mentorship that the program provides!   About Gillispie School: Gillispie is an independent toddler through Grade 6 school...

Over the past two years, the Student Learning Center (formerly the Reading Room) at Gillispie has worked closely with classroom teachers to strengthen the use of differentiated instruction in each classroom. Differentiation allows for each student’s unique learning styles to be addressed through a variety of instructional techniques, flexible small group instruction, and multiple learning modalities. Across the primary grades, reading, spelling patterns, and writing instruction are being delivered through whole group instruction as well as through...

Gillispie elementary students kicked off the first full week of school with a Monday to remember. The day began with a new tradition: Morning Announcements. K-6 students gathered on the Sport Court at the morning bell to hear announcements, celebrate birthdays, and learn about upcoming events. These new Monday morning meetings will occur every week that school is in session and are open to all parents, who may watch (quietly!) from the entrance to the play yard....

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