
7380 Girard Avenue, La Jolla

Gillispie School / Early Childhood  / Gillispie Toy Drive
Gillispie School

Gillispie Toy Drive

Dear Parents,

Although this year has presented us with many challenges, I think we can all agree that we are very blessed to have this community.

In the past, Gillispie has delivered donations to an orphanage in Tijuana that serves children from infancy through 18 years. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, now is the perfect time to restart this tradition of giving to those in need while also involving our kids in the most important value of giving back.

This is a completely voluntary activity and one we hope you might do as a family.

  • Please have your child (or children) bring in ONE unwrapped item to school on February 8-10.
  • This can be a (new or gently used) toy, game, puzzle, book (in Spanish), or item of clothing (all sizes welcome).
  • Please attach a homemade tag to the item with your child/children’s first name. If they can write their own name, or would like to draw a picture or write a note, that would be wonderful too.
  • Most importantly, have a conversation with your child(ren) in the selection of the item and talk about why this could make someone else happy and the overall importance of giving back.

There will be large bins outside on both Fay and Girard on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, February 8, 9, and 10, at drop-off. We will ask the children to drop their items in these bins on their way into school.

Thank you all very much for considering getting involved in this activity!

Michelle Kellermeyer, Mom of Sage (K) and Monroe (PS)

*My personal gratitude to Casey Armstrong and Emaluisa Serhan for making this all possible!  

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