
7380 Girard Avenue, La Jolla

Gillispie School / Elementary  / Specialty Spotlight: Music
Gillispie School

Specialty Spotlight: Music

In music this year students have had the opportunity to share their work, compositions, and even solos with the class. In these experiences, our students develop confidence, empathy, and presentation skills. Many students have requested to perform with instruments that they are learning outside of school.

A few weeks ago, one student asked if she could play her violin with her Kindergarten class. For many of our students, this was the first time they had seen or heard a violin in person. Not only did she show how much she has learned in her lessons, but it was a great experience for others to see that they can express their musical accomplishments as well. I look forward to continuing to give our students opportunities to share their hard work.

Ian Lewis, Music Teacher

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