
7380 Girard Avenue, La Jolla

Gillispie School / Articles posted by Natacha Hosy (Page 3)

Last Friday, our preschool friends welcomed four firefighters from Fire Station #13! Excitement filled the room as a big-ladder red fire truck appeared outside the window. Firefighters Brea and Jake focused on fire safety. When they asked emergency-related questions, the children confidently knew 911 and pledged to inform a teacher or adult about any hazards. They also learned how to STOP, DROP & ROLL! A highlight was when firefighter Brea showcased her full gear, from heavy pants to...

Second graders are several months into an ambitious project to stop certain ‘unrecyclables’ like squeezable mylar snack pouches from ending up in our landfills. Through an organization named Terracycle, these pouches, often containing apple sauce or other snacks, are transformed into usable raw materials. The students have created signs, filmed a PSA, presented the program at a morning meeting, and visited early childhood classrooms to raise awareness. Their goal is to recycle all used snack pouches...

In Willow, our young learners journeyed into the world of creativity and innovation. The focus of this adventure? Loose parts. Loose parts are materials that offer endless possibilities—they can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned, lined up, taken apart, and put back together in numerous ways. Loose parts inspire inventive thinking, imaginative play, and learning. Willow's dedicated Maker Space offers trays and baskets brimming with recycled items, buttons, boxes, vinyl, natural objects, fabrics, ribbons, and an assortment of other...

Second graders recently completed lovely winter landscapes. Using two watercolor techniques, and inspired by aspen or birch trees in snow, students tore blue masking tape for trunks and branches. Painting over the tape, they used various colors to express night, day, or sunset lighting. Adding salt while the watercolors were moist created a snowy or starry effect. After drying, peeling off the tape revealed white trunks and branches, showcasing watercolor resist. Shadows were added to the...

The Gillispie Library offers something for every student, and we strive to provide children with joyful and educational experiences with books. [caption id="attachment_10667" align="alignright" width="450"] Early childhood students listening to "Strega Nona" by Tomie de Paola and blowing kisses![/caption] Recently, early childhood classes listened to the children’s literature classic Strega Nona by Tomie de Paola. Students repeated rhyming verses from the story and acted out blowing three kisses to make the magic pot stop bubbling! [caption id="attachment_10666" align="alignleft" width="450"]...

In the last week of December, our first-grade teachers, Ms. Traut and Ms. Towne, guided students in a writing activity to explore their identities and promote self-love. First graders began by studying their features in a hand-held mirror and drawing self-portraits.  For one of the activities, they used adjectives such as artistic, athletic, brave, caring, friendly, kind, patient, respectful, and more to complete the phrase "I am...

Gillispie’s 14th Annual Blood Drive Thursday, February 8 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fifteen years ago, Gillispie welcomed a brother and sister pair to the third-grade program. One of the siblings suffered a sudden relapse of cancer she battled as a kindergartener. Her treatments were grueling, and her prognosis was grim. Our school community searched for meaningful ways to help. We decided to host a blood and bone marrow drive in the family's honor. Thankfully, a bone marrow transplant...

Dear Gillispie Families, Happy New Year! I am thrilled to start the year with exciting news that aligns with our ICARE values for all students at Gillispie. This semester and throughout 2024, I will be coordinating the launch of the Anti-Defamation League's (ADL’s) "No Place for Hate" initiative at Gillispie! This program is designed to emphasize the active role our students play in shaping a positive and inclusive school culture. Here's a glimpse of what's in store: Student-Led Committee:...

In December, our students enjoyed age- and skill-appropriate lessons and holiday-themed activities, including massive snowball fights on the field and in the gym! Grades 3 to 6 focused on volleyball, refining skills, game understanding, and fostering teamwork. Grades K to 2 focused on mastering overhand throwing and catching, building crucial hand-eye coordination fundamental for various sports. Early Childhood to PK explored large motor movements through music and tag games. We introduced overhand throwing and promoted physical well-being and a...

In adapting A Midsummer Night's Dream for the 5th graders, I wanted a play that was true to Shakespeare's original language and humor and also would give everyone a part to engage in the theatrical process. Mrs. Fillers helped me to add some lines to make it relevant and understandable. The students achieved so much. Many went from having never acted before and not knowing who Willam Shakespeare was, to performing in a play in Shakespearian English; They...

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