
7380 Girard Avenue, La Jolla

Gillispie School / Early Childhood  / Mtizvahs in Juniper!
Students in many grade levels have been learning about Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, which was celebrated earlier this week.

Mtizvahs in Juniper!

Students in many grade levels have been learning about Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, which was celebrated earlier this week.

Early Childhood students in Juniper celebrated by eating apples and honey to symbolize a sweet new year.

At circle time with Ms. Leib, they discussed the meaning of the Hebrew word “Mitzvah.” Ms. Leib explained to the children that a Mitzvah is performing a good deed, doing something charitable, or acting out of the kindness of your heart.

With a new understanding in mind, the students went around the circle and shared a Mitzvah they have done or planned on doing.

Here are a few that the children came up with:

-I helped a friend this morning make a gift for her mommy because she missed her mommy.

-I told my friend, “I love you.”

-I gave my grandma a ton of extra love this morning.

-I put a band-aid on daddy this morning.

-I helped my grandma make my lunch today since mommy is out of town.

-I helped mommy grocery shop.

-I shared all my toys at school.

After the discussion, Ms. Leib noticed how many children were going out of their way to help one another.

This activity was a good opportunity for students to think about others and reflect on how—even with little deeds—they can make the world a better place.

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