
7380 Girard Avenue, La Jolla

Gillispie School / Elementary  / Specialty Spotlight: Media Literacy
Gillispie School

Specialty Spotlight: Media Literacy

In media literacy classes, students began the year with a focus on digital citizenship. First and second graders met a group of characters called the “Digital Citizens” who help them remember important skills, such as asking questions, paying attention to gut feelings, and being kind online. Students in grades 3 through 5 reflected on their media usage, with the goal of finding a healthy balance of online and offline time. Older students also studied issues of privacy and security online, such as creating strong passwords, keeping identifying information private, and avoiding clickbait. Sixth graders used digital tools to enhance their study of ancient history and to demonstrate their learning. In addition, students from Kinder to Grade 6 regularly visited the library to listen to read-alouds, browse the collection, and spend time with a good book!

Heidi Long, Media Literacy Teacher

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