
7380 Girard Avenue, La Jolla

Gillispie School / Elementary  / Is My Child Ready to Read?

Is My Child Ready to Read?

Over the past two years, the Student Learning Center (formerly the Reading Room) at Gillispie has worked closely with classroom teachers to strengthen the use of differentiated instruction in each classroom. Differentiation allows for each student’s unique learning styles to be addressed through a variety of instructional techniques, flexible small group instruction, and multiple learning modalities.

Across the primary grades, reading, spelling patterns, and writing instruction are being delivered through whole group instruction as well as through small group work at each student’s individual level. This is particularly useful in Kindergarten, as small group work allows teachers to tailor instruction to support the various readiness skills their students need to acquire to become readers.

Whether a student’s best learning happens in a small group, through one-to-one instruction, or through a combination of settings, the teaching staff is striving to provide a variety of learning opportunities throughout the day. Through the use of differentiation, every student is being challenged and supported within each classroom.

Please follow this link to a wonderful article about reading readiness and a great resource for parents of young readers and writers.

Anna Joslin and Kelsey Gogarty
Learning Specialists

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