
7380 Girard Avenue, La Jolla

Gillispie School / Elementary  / Grade 4’s Mock Trial at Superior Court

Grade 4’s Mock Trial at Superior Court

A jury of Gillispie fourth graders found their classmate guilty in a mock trial at Superior Court. After the judgment, bailiff Lucian escorted fictional defendant Dahlia in handcuffs to serve her sentence in a jail cell.

The issue was whether or not the Harry Potter character, Harry, played by Dahlia, intended to assault Draco Malfoy, played by Aurom, when she cast a spell on him. Judge Frank Devaney presided over the case alongside his fourth grade judicial counterpart, Grace.

The judge treated the students to a tour of the courtroom, jury deliberation room, holding cell, and chambers. He instructed them about the Court’s procedures and value in our community. The students learned a valuable civics lesson and a few demonstrated their aptitude for the law!

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